Delbourt replied to the topic 'Fuel tank removal' in the forum. 3 weeks ago

An interesting collection of debris cleaned from the tank.
How did it get there? Who knows!
It is known that if certain fuel additives are not added in the correct way then precipitation can occur. By that I mean you have to add “X” to the fuel storage tank first before adding the basic petrol (in the refinery blending tanks), similarly you must add “Y” to the basic fuel in the storage tank for the same reasons.
Heaven knows what happens to fuel from different suppliers (at the pumps) if it is mixed with that from another refinery, or for that matter what happens if aftermarket additives are added.
There are many “rubber” hoses involved in conveying fuel from refinery into your car. So it is not too surprising to think that some “rubbery gloop” came out but a bit alarming never the less. What happens at garage forecourt and storage tank maintenance is another obvious place for foreign matter to enter the system.
It just shows the need for a filter in the car before it blocks the injectors!