That indeed is a suggestion based on information from one U.K. retailer. They state that a specific compound in the particular OAT is detrimental to Silicone rubber hoses.
In all probability we will never know what is included in antifreeze unless a specific question is asked of the supplier who will in turn need to ask the blender/producer.
At present it is my understanding based on a very recent phone call to x-part that the stuff I have from them on my shelf contains the undesirable compound.
But I believe Comma produce a product that is compatible. I have lodged an email request with them for confirmation. I fully expect that a phone call follow up will be required.
I would need to check to be sure but I think their ok product is G30.
Clearly if they are making more than one OAT a it is for a reason.
There will be other suppliers producing acceptable OAT products the challenge is finding the right information.
Suppliers tend to take the view that you have a standard car and that if you select a product from their list for your car it will be ok. That does not mean it is ok if you change the MOC eg to silicone hoses. It is all part of “change control”.