Airportable, you make some genuinely great points there and i think its easy to ignore that sometimes these things are matters for the heart as much as they are the head.
Very much agree with you on some of the design aspects, the gators would be an instant improvement along with perhaps bringing a little yellow into the dials and possibly visors too and I was going a similar way on the wheels, gloss black alloys with yellow calipers (black detail) possibly even a black trophy spoiler, black mirrors and chrome delete on the door handles.... oh dear, this bloody car has got into my blood hasn't it?
Neilpinleeds, thanks for your perspective and based on your name i may well come to you on where to go if i need the same bodywork repairs further down the line (again, assuming i end up buying this car)
TA22GT, thanks for all your help and the friendly welcome, it's nice to know that whether i make a good decision or a bad one there will be support there.