Cobber replied to the topic 'Fuel pump' in the forum. 3 months ago

Airportable wrote: Do not make any test connections to a fuel pump if there is petrol vapour about. This is a valid test but make up a test cable specifically for this job & with a wire long enough to be away from fumes.
DO NOT CONNECT A COUPLE OF BARE WIRES ADJACENT TO WHERE PETROL VAPOURS COULD BE PRESENT, your car runs on petrol vapour & it is a tiny spark that makes the whole lot work, just think what a big fat spark could do with twelve litres of petrol in the vicinity.

As someone who's skillset includes "Shotfirer" (the modern politically correct term for Power Monkey) otherwise known as having a licence to blow shit up with explosives.......I can tell you it's always best to be a good distance away from the shit that goes bang when fiddle arseing about with sources of naked flames, sparks etc.