Cobber replied to the topic 'Front rear and side vent grill replacement mesh.' in the forum.
4 months ago
Ah yes that type of weld mesh has a wave crinkle texture formed in to the wires, it's more attractive than the straight wired weld mesh.Airportable post=208350 userid=5200
We cut short our walk & returned to camp early after twisting my foot & so I started to go through STUFF on my phone to see if I could track down The Mesh Company. I did & they are in Warrington & yes they’re called The Mesh Company, they’re on eBay.
I have bought several types for various jobs, the nicest in my opinion for our job is what I refer to as “Bentley Radiator Mesh”, it is not called that on their web site. It can be used either way round depending on preference, the intake picture was taken to illustrate scale of the ram pipe, however it shows the mesh reasonable well.
more info in a week if required.