Cobber replied to the topic 'Poor quality ball joints' in the forum. 17 hours 3 minutes ago

Not all replacement parts are created equal There a many shit quality parts coming out of China, I couldn't find good ball joints for my old Ford ute, the only ones available wouldn't last 6 months. The problem is that all the independent parts shops have been bought up by the big parts retailing groups here in Oz and these places don't care that they're sellling shit. They won't buy from the quality makers , they buy the Chinese rubbish on the cheap and sell it for top dollar, you as the consumer have no choice other than to buy from these two giant arsehole retail groups so you just have to suck the shit they give out! My old Ford was only sold in Australia and New Zealand, making the parts market relatively small and concentrated
Well I found an independent  parts retailer in New Zealend that still had new old stock TRW ball joints for my old Ford and was selling them cheaper delivered to Australia than I could buy the rubbish Roadsafe (oxymoronic name) brand  locally from the big guys!
I purchased 2 full sets which should last me for @ 20yrs
I'm guessing your car had the equivalent quality rubbish fitted, hopefully you don't suffer the big business duopoly and can still get OEM or aftermarket parts of reasonable quality over there in the UK