Thanks Mike,
Your second point definitely applies to my MG! Almost to the point of asking myself ’why have I got it?’ Although I asked the same about my Jag XK8. Another thread perhaps.
The fact that there’s never been anything resembling adverse performance since this all kicked off pulls me again towards your second point. Thing is, after my Jag experience - scratched from passing motor and tyres spiked because I ‘parked where I shouldn’t have’ according to someone has given me a complex about using it and leaving it in car parks. This is not helped by an experience in my Freelander of having the OSR door smacked while I was sat in it! Apparently I’d parked ‘too close’ even though I was further away from the parking space marker than she was. Yet another thread subject.
Anyway, will go back to the tester and find out where they got their sensor from and maybe replace it, but until the motor starts playing up I might just leave it. 🤷‍♂️