digcot65 replied to the topic 'Classic car ins.' in the forum. 2 months ago

Morning one of the problems I have,besides my age is that I was involved in an accident last year .I was driving north on the M6 ,when there was what sounded like an explosion and the car went out of control spinning round .I managed to get it under control and parked on the hard shoulder .When I got out and looked round the car,the rear O/S 1/4 was badly damaged ,I realised I had been hit ,fortunately the car was still drivable so I drove on to catch up with the other driver ,who fortunately had stopped a short way up .Cutting it short he said he thought I had taken the slip road to leave the motorway as he couldnt see me..I was paid out by my insurers ,but since the other drivers insurers havent settled the costs with mine the case is still open  One insurer said it will make a huge difference once settled ,so we`ll see.But if it takes ages  then I will have to sell the TF even after all the work Ive done Len