digcot65 replied to the topic 'Classic car ins.' in the forum. 2 months ago

Besides my age ,the main problem regarding the hike in insurance is due to me having an accidenT  on the M6 A huge lorry driver couldnt see us and the driver thought we had taken the slip road and left the motorway The lorry then wrote my car off.   I had a firm of solicitors contact me last week ,who are representing the insurers at the time of the accident.Apparently,the guilts party`s insurers haven`t paid and they are being taken to court . Since they havent paid the case is classed as being still open and my fault So Ill have to see if its settled in the not too distant future,if not then Im going to have to sell the  MGTF I bought it as a project and its kept me busy no time not wasted It will be a shame after ive so far spent a year getting everything right .Len