Hello again everyone and apolgoies for the radio silence, its been an absolutely manic few weeks here with lots of different things happening, but lets get caught up..

I did go to see that moonshine 135 and it was a lovely car with some good bits and pieces done to it, however in the end i had to pass as the paintwork needed way way more than i felt comfortable with, i even spoke to a reliable local painter who i've seen do amazing work on shoestring budgets and even he felt that certain areas needed that much work that by the time you've tried blending you'd be better off just respraying the whole thing which would be the cost of the car again. On top of this a person who i know this community respects told me that having worked on the car himself he felt it had too many issues to be worth it so with both of these things i walked away.

The benefit of walking away though was it gave me perspective, i quickly realised i only liked that one because it was rare and that i wouldn't be able to do the same level of customisation i'd been planning because it just wouldn't go, so i'd never be able to really make it mine. This brought me back to the sunspot 160, a car which for better or worse had crept under my skin and i'd already made countless plans for and so, after much negotiating and as you can see from my profile image, i got her (as yet unnamed). 

The weather isn't right for me to take on the external work yet but the interior has started undergoing a few changes with more to come and honestly i'm loving every minute. Everyone who has seen her so far is amazed that shes a 22 year old car which is testament to the timeless design, though she's currently been nicknamed the little yellow dickhead, which i'm hoping is meant with affection. Thanks for all your help everyone and no doubt for the help still to come (in fact i'm literally about to post a wiring query) i'm thrilled to now be a more justified member of this fantastic community.