Delbourt created a new topic ' Vibrating Instrument binnacle cure' in the forum. 3 months ago

I'm sure I am not the first to suffer this irritating vibration/noise but is there a cure for it?
On a lengthy journey in the last few days and whilst my wife was driving I was able to seek out the source of a rattle that is irritating to say the least. By shoving a bit of cardboard between the top of the dashboard and the half-moon instrument binnacle it was possible to reduce the rattle caused by the two plastic components rubbing against each other.
Has anyone managed to cure this in a more professional way?
I know there are plastic/rubber strips with a "P" profile that can be bought from various sources and was thinking that forcing a strip douwn between the two components around the binnacle might be a possible cure even if not ideal.
In a perfect world it might be possible to remove the half-moon plastic instrument shroud (is that easy?) and use a sealant such as "everbuild" mastic or similar before re fitting the half-moon surround or the "p" profile strip.
Has anyone got better ideas?