Delbourt replied to the topic 'Front anti roll bar diameters' in the forum. 2 months ago

In terms of cornering ability it is better than nything I have had before, but that isn’t saying much. In terms of confidence I’d say the Renault Megan was pretty good but the ability of this TF to turn in on a corner is remarkable.
The steering issue is only noticeable when going in straight lines on good quality straight roads.

Using the kerb weight and guessing 50/50 split front to back and then across the car and comparing spring compression based on the figures from Mike Satur’s website for standard front springs (same as listed in a previous posting above) and then doing some sums I estimate that for a standard free length of spring that there is likely to be a difference in compression that equates to that lower ride height of 340mm as close as I can get it.
If someone can correct me I’d be delighted to hear from them.
If someone has the comfort pack I’d very much like to know what the distance is from the underside of the spring platform to the bolt centre, the thickness of the spring platform and any other relevant dimension such as free length of the spring or whether there is an additional packer at the top of the spring .