Delbourt replied to the topic 'Vibrating Instrument binnacle cure' in the forum. 3 days ago

Thank you all for the suggestions. After a good sleep and refreshed I had another look with sunlight shining from a slightly different angle and found the thing.
I’m waiting for some suitable 2 pack glue to arrive and will bond them in for now.
Rivnuts sound a good idea but you do need the tool to pull to form the clinch.

Now, how in the name of what’s his name do you part the top half of the steering wheel nacelle from the bottom?
Which half has to be squeezed to release it from the other half?
Can anyone help with that.?
It is now obvious that you need that top half removing to give enough room to withdraw the instrument panel surround away from the instruments so that it disengages from the clips at the bottom of the instrument covering clear face.