Delbourt replied to the topic 'Clutch problems' in the forum. 2 months ago

As I read this it seems to be a complex issue. Initially you could not select those gears that needed a forward motion of the gearstick, but the clutch was fine.
To investigate and resolve this you looked underneath and discovered a clip was missing (I am not familiar with that clip I have renewed the bell crank). You renewed the missing clip. But at that stage did not identify a reason to explain how that clip was lost. (Am I right so far?)

From what I read it sounds as though you then had a problem with selecting any gear and opted to re-bleed the hydraulics. Correct?
Executing further investigations it seems that you can select gears whilst stationary with engine off but not whilst the engine is running or when underway. Am I right in thinking that gear selection is inhibited for all forward and reverse gears when underway or just with the engine idling or both?
Please confirm that you can’t select any gear if you are stationary but with the engine running..
If that is the case it does appear to suggest that there is something wrong with clutch operation. Is it possible to see and monitor the clutch release shaft movement with and without the engine running.
Logically it would seem that something has failed within the release bearing arrangement. If the shaft is not responding to pedal movement then the bleeding action or one of the cylinder seals must be at fault.
What is still a puzzle is why the u clip was lost. Could that be down to a warn engine restraint acting in a way that put such a load on the cable that it forced the clip to fail?
After renewing the clip what was the consequence? Why if you could find 2,4 and presumably reverse what made you bleed the system as it must have been ok crossing Dartmoor if you could get 2&4. Renewing the clip alone surely can’t have changed that situation?