Talking of car insurance I've just found out my daughter has been paying £2500 a year to insure her tiny 1.2 litre Fiat 500. Late 20s, 5 years no claims and they've been insisting on the indignity of a damnable black box too. WTF. Like a mug she had stayed with the same company and just assumed it was normal for the premiums to keep increasing and so had doubted she could afford to run anything a bit quicker.. Now we've had a conversation she's moved to a different insurer for around £ 500 plus the penny has dropped she's she can feasibly upgrade to a faster car whilst still saving money compared to her old premiums. I do wonder how the hell a reputable insurer can regard such blatant overcharging as remotely ethical.
Then there's us agonising about the whys and wherefores of dispensing with the pointless and troublesome superlock, remapping an ECU to improve economy, painting our wheels a different colour etc.etc.
No doubt these profiteering wankers would charge motorcyclists higher premiums for not having an ashtray if they could.