Airportable replied to the topic '160 VVC THERMOSTAT REMOVAL/CHANGE.' in the forum. yesterday

There are two way to approach this. You can modify the pipe work at the front, under the spare wheel well & the conventional method.
There are several “how to’s, covering the standard method, but I’ve only seen one for the front mounted system.
I’ve tried both & am sticking with the standard system, the front system, I abandoned this due to it taking too long to warm up. In actual fact the PRT was faulty & having changed to the rear mounted system, there was no need to change back.
The pipe work was readily available a while ago & wasn’t expensive; things have changed I would bet.
If you buy a secondhand PRT, test it before fitting, I think David did a “how to” on this. After a couple of dead ends I bought a new unit & all is well.