Airportable replied to the topic 'Locked driver’s door' in the forum. yesterday

The super lock conundrum comes around as sure as Halley’s Comet but more frequently & it usually has the same sort of effect as a fox in a hen house with panicked people doing the headless chicken run.
My guess is that it’s so infrequently used & ill understood that as soon as some problem is reported by a frantic member the panic flag gets run up the mast. It was after a traumatic event a good number of years ago did I disable my S/L as a knee jerk reaction, determined for it not to catch me out.
I forget about it until the frantic comet flashes past.
Problems will be few & far between but create an unhinged flap amongst the flock when someone gets locked out; it’s the same effect when someone locks their keys in the boot or the bonnet pop doesn’t & you end up breaking a rear lamp or shredding skin off your arm in the desperate attempt to get the bonnet open. That bit happens when you tug the boot release with too much vim, in that moment of annoyance, having an urgent meeting coinciding with a puncture on the same morning.
This is, as you know all too well the law according to sod.
My guess is the antipodeans will have a more colourful turn of phrase & I’m certain our treasured resident Strine will help in that respect.