Airportable created a new topic ' Gear change changes.' in the forum. 6 months ago

During our friends discussion on the gear change problems with MGB281’s car, I asked about the bell crank update supplied by Mike Satur. As both Delbourt & MGB281 have this upgrade there comments carry an amount of weight. It was stated that the major difference was the rose joints on the cables as opposed to the original ball & rubberised joint. 
I have said before that I like rose joints & so for £7-00 I bought four, two to cock up & two assessment of any improvements. 
I am very well equipped in my workshop so this project wasn’t difficult, it would be if you didn’t have the kit. To improve the accuracy of setting the system I made adapters to convert the 1mm pitch of the 6mm cable to 32tpi; this gives me a somewhat excessive number of possible positions of 64. 
It all went rather well & although a bit more twiddling with reverse is required, the rest has tighten up noticeably, to the point where I’m cross with myself for not doing it sooner. 
I think the pictures are self explanatory, with the exception of the block, this is to push out the scroll pin, If you want any more info just shout