psymon created a new topic ' Website operating costs' in the forum. yesterday

For many years we've been providing this website free of charge, with all related costs (Domain Name, Hosting and software etc..) coming out of our pocket.  Over the years those costs have increased and still are. To ensure the site keeps running, I need to look at ways of making it a little more self supporting financially.

One possible solution that I'm currently exploring is allowing adverts on the site, and i'm experimenting with this now.
Personally I'm not fan of random adverts all over websites, so please be assured The-T-Bar isn't going to turn into one of those sites littered with adverts that end up blocking the content your trying to read.

One advert space per page is probably going to be my limit, I'm playing with possible locations within the site to ensure it'll be unobtrusive as possible.

If you do see any adverts which block content or negatively effect the layout of the site please let me know

Finally, any adverts that are displayed to you are chosen by Google automatically based on your browsing habits, Not chosen by us.