MGB281 created a new topic ' Clutch problems' in the forum. 2 months ago

Last year amongst many other things the TF had a new AP clutch, the new greaseable clutch arm, a new slave cylinder, a new mounting bracket and a new hose/pipe from bulkhead to slave cylinder, I bled the system in about five minutes with no problems. Fast forward to the beginning of July   when due to hip revision surgery my wife was driving over Dartmoor when she became unable to select 1st, 3rd and 5th gears, after getting home I found that we had lost the horseshoe clip that holds the under the gearbox gearchange cable to it's bracket. Another clip was sourced and fitted last week, thinking that must be the end of the problems I was gutted to find the gear selection was not allowing and gear selection with the engine running but easy with it stopped. The problem is that the clutch is not fully disengaging with the pedal pushed fully to the bulkhead, so today I have fitted a new seal kit in the master cylinder and bled the system but it is still not fully disengaging. Today I have put nearly a litre of brake fluid through the system both with the easi bleed but also   with one person operating the cutch pedal and the other on the bleeder valve. There is virtually no wear on the master cylinder clevis pin, the one on the slave is virtually new. Other than the flex on the slave cylinder mounting bracket which is more than I expected, does anyone have any good ideas?