EllisoJo replied to the topic 'Budget UK conversion' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

Your harsh suspension will most likely be because the hydra-gas spheres have probably lost all their nitrogen gas charge and have been pumped up with fluid to build up the ride height to compensate. Which bring us to another potential problem with doing a conversion on a MGF..... whereas a car with a conventional suspension system can have stiffer or softer springs easily made and installed to compensate for the inevitable differing weight and balance of the conversion, this may prove difficult with an MGF, as such a TF with it's conventional suspension would be a much more suitable candidate.

I totally agree with Cobber's observations above.

Congratulations on achieving the upgrades you have incorporated.  A cheap TF with an engine with HGF maladies would be a good starting-point for your next iteration.  You may recall that I visited a couple of years ago with a Silver TF.

I now drive an EV as well as that TF.  I found the single-pedal style of driving tricky to get used to, and I had the same thought about brake lights!  Now that I AM used to it, I find that it encourages a relaxed and energy-efficient, (= range increasing) driving style.

Good luck with the Land Rover 110!