sean79 created a new topic ' Sticky gear stick' in the forum. yesterday

Hi, I've searched forum and can't find an answer so I hope one of you great people can help.
One of my gear selector cables snapped so I have had both long and short cables replaced. Since then, the gear stick it pretty stiff now, as an example, I go to put it into 1st from neutral and the gear stick will not automatically spring back to neutral. Also, 3rd gear seems to be very slightly out of alignment, not directly up from neutral, it's slightly more right. Everything was perfectly fine before the cable snapped. Could this just be a case of the cables being too tight or something more serious? When the cable broke I was in 2nd and drove it back home which was roughly half a mile, by time I got back, there was a slight burning smell but nothing to overpowering.
I have drove it for several miles up and down duel carriage way, which wasn't exactly slow and I don't get any burning smell or any strange noises.
Any advice, greatly appreciated as I'm no mechanic (an actual mechanic did the cables)

Many thanks