16 pin OBD2 male : 15 pin D-Sub : purpose
1 : 8 : 5AS data
2 : 7
3 : 6 : 5AS data
4 & 5 : 4 : Chassis
6 : 3
7: 2 : MEMS2J K line
8 : 1
9 : 15
10 : 14
11 : 13
12 : 12
13 : 11
14: 10
15: 9
16 : 5 : +12V
Please be careful because if you get something wrong you can damage the pscan. The most important thing to be careful of is where +12V is connected. +12V to the wrong pin could destroy it. Also earthing through a data line instead of the Chassis pin (for example if earth is missing) can blow out a protection diode.