Airportable created a new topic ' A quick flash!' in the forum. 2 months ago

A week or so ago we discussed LED indicator lamps & I said I would order one of the three pole electronic offerings. I paid £3-50 for it & it arrived this morning, I should have been alerted to potential problems whilst viewing the listing on eBay; these are too large to fit into the board, or not in mine, whether the tf has a different relay base moulding I don’t recall. 
All is not lost, relay bases with tails are available but the kick in the tail is their cost, at £7-50, is plainly daft. 
All is still not lost; make your own tails. Three 1/4” faston (lucar) male & ditto female, on a short length of cable, males into the receptacles on the base & female onto the flasher unit. 
I like, if at all possible, to stick to the wire colour convention, which in this case light green & brown, light green & grey & black (I’m going from memory which isn’t good for me), I’ll have a root in the morning & if I’ve got a few inches of each I’ll make a loom & run a test.