kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

Just seen this. I hope you saw my post saying changing the coolant temp sensor caused the crank position sensor fault to disappear


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 3 months ago

Thanks. I did clear fault codes 2 or three times.
I’m new to pscan but I hope glitches are not part of the package.


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 3 months ago

Puzzled am I.
The error codes included “coolant temp sensor”
As this is easier to replace than the crank position sensor, I changed it.
Both crank sensor error messages disappeared, along. with the coolant sensor message.
How can there be any connection?
I have one crank position sensor now going cheap….


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 3 months ago

Already did that but it reappears. However I have no driving issues.


kernow created a new topic ' Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 3 months ago

I have this fault code. Can anyone shed a little light? Mems 1.9. Car starts and runs fine so sensor must be working.
“crank sync (not normally a fault) also appears.
I’ve searched this forum but can’t see any answers.
Thanks in advance.