kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 2 months ago

Did 150 miles yesterday including Porlock Hill. didn’t miss a beat. Not the battery for sure. 14 volts. I’ll remove, clean and check connections when next tinkering and have a replacement sensor on hand if nothing obvious is wrong. Fingers crossed.


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 3 months ago

Just done a routine scan. “crank Position Sensor” is back ☹️
Cleared it once but it came straight back. Cleared it again and it stayed cleared. With engine running Pscan tells me crank is “synced” even while the fault code is active.
No starting or running issue.
Is this a genuine fault or a diagnostic/software fault? This is driving me crazy. Do I spend £40 to change the sensor or would I have been better off keeping the pscan cost and not knowing?


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 4 months ago

Just seen this. I hope you saw my post saying changing the coolant temp sensor caused the crank position sensor fault to disappear


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 6 months ago

Thanks. I did clear fault codes 2 or three times.
I’m new to pscan but I hope glitches are not part of the package.


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 6 months ago

Puzzled am I.
The error codes included “coolant temp sensor”
As this is easier to replace than the crank position sensor, I changed it.
Both crank sensor error messages disappeared, along. with the coolant sensor message.
How can there be any connection?
I have one crank position sensor now going cheap….


kernow replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 6 months ago

Already did that but it reappears. However I have no driving issues.


kernow created a new topic ' Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 6 months ago

I have this fault code. Can anyone shed a little light? Mems 1.9. Car starts and runs fine so sensor must be working.
“crank sync (not normally a fault) also appears.
I’ve searched this forum but can’t see any answers.
Thanks in advance.