New MGF TF owner losing his Jap car bias, maybe, possibly, definitely maybe.

Welcome to the T Bar from a fellow scuba diver and former frequent visitor to St Abbs...😉

Thank you David....I am reading a lot of your articles on here!
by TA22GT

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No experience with Hillman Hunters, but a big "me too" on Scuba: Most memorable dive was in the Maldives, where I had the privilege of seeing a HUGE Whale Shark cruise by me. I COULD have reached-out and touched it, but did not. One idiot in our group DID, and received the most humungous bollocking afterwards from the dive supervisor. We HAD been told do not touch, apparently it can damage the mucous layer on their scales or some such.

Enjoy the TF!

That must have been amazing to see and a bit scary being so close. They may be harmless but can easily knock your mask off!   My scuba diving days are long gone but they did introduce me to my Celica! 
by TA22GT

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I never got into jap stuff, in fact I've never had one, I was was more into Euro (mainly Italian) Pommy (the good stuff not the pleb shit), local Aussie stuff and a bit of pre 80's Yank iron.
I didn't mind the 1st gen Celicas, but the got dumbed down to fat lazy slugs for window dressers with the RA40 and beyond, A bit like the Datsun 240Z and it's successors, they just got fatter, dumber and lazier with every update. I liked the rear wheel drive Corrollas for their simplicity and honest design, but the front wheel drive stuff was not my thing, I hated all Hlluxes narrow gutted top heavy rubbish on saggy springs and the likes of Coronas and Camrys were just so boring even the red ones were beige!

"Keep calm, relax, focus on the problem & PULL THE BLOODY TRIGGER"

by Cobber

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So not much of a Toyota fan then Cobber! lol.

I agree totally about them getting fatter. It was to attract the American market but with 2ltr engines it was never going to work against 4ltr gas guzzling, soft, underpowered lumps of iron that were as exciting as a puncture in the rain.

Now I am a proud MG TF owner the memory of my previous life is fading......
by TA22GT

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Interesting reading this.
I have a Honda Accord bias. Having driven hundreds of thousands of miles in a handful of different models, some built in Swindon before they kept their brexit promise and closed the works.
I also had a lot to do with Nissan when they opened up the Sunderland factory, supplying parts for robots and automation generally.
The post 2nd world war history interests me, when Leonard Lord despatched our brightest and best with the latest multi station tooling to Japan to teach mass production techniques, as part of the Marshall plan to establish a military presence in the Pacific to combat the "soviet threat"
And boy did we make a rod for our backs?
I believe Churchill said we won the war and lost the peace, he should know having instructed the boffins to scrap the worlds first computers.
But, as a TF owner of just 6 months I can testify just how much fun they are and a good well tended example is as reliable it seems, as pretty much anything out there.


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I love your forum name!
I think it sums up a lot of us here!!
My bias wasn't born from a negative experience of British cars but simply from also having driven thousands of miles in cars that hardly, if ever broke down.
Why I decided on a TF as a project car I don't really know. Maybe simply because they look good and are cheap in some cases to buy.
I had time on my hands before I knew I would have funds to buy one so I read a lot and watched cars for sale come and go.
Yes they have problems but equally there are a lot about that don't.
I started to realise they had character...and I'm a bit of a character too I started to look with a different outlook!
A sixth sense told me that the right car had come along before I had sold my Mazda and so I dug deep and bought it.
It isn't particularly the colour I would have chosen or the right seats but it IS the right car. Its structural condition compared to some I have seen is beyond me.
It has revived my enthusiasm in cars, it puts a smile on my face every time I drive it and I have plans for her. 
I am sure I am going to have to fix things as I go along but meantime it was the right choice of car for me.
I am enjoying all your responses and reading the forum and I am sure you have all realised my bias is...or should I say was now.. tongue in cheek. 
Last Edit:2 weeks 1 day ago by TA22GT
Last edit: 2 weeks 1 day ago by TA22GT. Reason: spelling

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