replied to the topic 'Pscan on Chromebook' in the forum. 2 days ago

also, can you type
uname -a
so that I can see what kernel you have

Read More... replied to the topic 'Pscan on Chromebook' in the forum. 2 days ago

you need to use the Linux version, because you are using a Linux FTDI driver (it seems to be already built into the Chromebook).
In your terminal cd to the directory where the pscanloader is.
chmod 755 pscanloader

Read More... replied to the topic 'PSCAN for newer cars' in the forum. 2 days ago

right now it cannot.
I am currently working on a CANbus stack for pscan, and hopefully it will be the next update.
This would allow pscan to connect to a newer vehicle in the same way as a generic EOBD/OBD2 scanner.
I think it will take a few weeks to get it done.

Read More... replied to the topic 'Emissions Troubles' in the forum. 2 days ago

I suggest that you select only the oxygen sensor voltage so that it updates much faster, which will help you to see if it's fluctuating.
I'm not 100% sure but yes, I think 0.49V might be a default value, so what you get if there is no sensor present.

Read More... replied to the topic 'Pscan on Chromebook' in the forum. 2 weeks ago

there are four versions of the pscanloader file for Linux. Which one did you download?

Read More... replied to the topic 'DIY Cable Length/Pins' in the forum. 3 weeks ago

16 pin OBD2 male : 15 pin D-Sub : purpose
1 : 8 : 5AS data
2 : 7
3 : 6 : 5AS data
4 & 5 : 4 : Chassis
6 : 3
7: 2 : MEMS2J K line
8 : 1
9 : 15
10 : 14
11 : 13
12 : 12
13 : 11
14: 10
15: 9
16 : 5 : +12V

Please be careful because if you get something wrong you can damage the pscan.  The most important thing to be careful of is where +12V is connected. +12V to the wrong pin could destroy it.  Also earthing through a data line instead of the Chassis pin (for example if earth is missing) can blow out a protection diode.

Read More... replied to the topic 'Freelander 1 L Series' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

Petrol Freelanders have a single wire from the ECU to the fan system, and it uses some sort of pulse width modulation to vary the speed of the fans (it's not just on or off).
On the petrol ones if the wire between ECU and fan system is disconnected the fans come on full speed.
I don't know if the L series is the same

Read More... replied to the topic 'Freelander 1 L Series' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

pscan doesn't currently have that feature. I don't know whether the factory tool does. I'll have to look into it

Read More... replied to the topic 'Crank sensor signal' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

Thanks. I did clear fault codes 2 or three times.
I’m new to pscan but I hope glitches are not part of the package.
pscan has had bugs and probably still does.  As we find them I will fix them as best as I can.  It's just like any other complex software product in that way.

Read More... replied to the topic 'DIY Cable Length/Pins' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

in theory it's possible, but 16 pin OBD sockets are easily available and not expensive.
Why not just use a normal OBD socket?

Read More... replied to the topic 'iOS Operating system' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

thanks for posting.
It's pretty amazing that Intel code works on Apple ARM silicon

Read More... replied to the topic 'Pscan unit hot' in the forum. 4 weeks ago

I got your email. It sounds like it has fried.

Read More... replied to the topic 'iOS Operating system' in the forum. 1 month ago

I don't have a MacBook new enough to run Monterey.
If it is an M chip MacBook, then no it's not likely to work, as pscan has only been compiled for Intel Macs.
If it's an Intel MacBook then I think it's best to post your question here: