Well if it were mine I would clamp the liners, give the bores a clean with wet & dry and oil then see if the motor will turn using the crank nut. But make sure you mark the pulley's and the block first, you've not got a lot to lose.
Good luck.
My advice would be to open and leave open all the bleed points when filling, then when coolant comes out of each one in turn close that particular point and so on until all are done. Then start the motor and check the points again individually until there are no air bubbles. Good luck.
Well you've answered your own question really by saying you'll have to get someone to do any work required.
But please make sure that whoever you get to do the job is up to speed with K series engines.
I tend to keep it folded and refit it with help, i.e. one either side then guide the bolts in finger tight then finish them off at the proper torque. But someone else may do it different. Good luck.
Well done for completing the flushing job. Would it be possible for you to tell me what brand of flushing oil you used, as I have to undertake the same job soon. Thanks Glyn.
How long ago was the work done by a specialist MG mechanic? Because my first port of call would be that person! But on low revs the water pump isn't pumping as fast as it does when the engine in running at a normal road speed. But take it back to the specialist first.
Yes just 4 bolts holding the hood frame, you say about oil filter removal I've had the same problem in the past, and as you done I've often reverted to the screwdriver method. Now I've bought a removing tool that clamps like the mole grips, but not used it yet. When you come to refit the top of the T bar facia use some petroleum jelly or silicone grease on the pins, makes it easier to remove again. Keep up the good work. Glyn.
Hi you pays yer money and makes yer choice! Only you can decide on a car, forum members can only give advice on what you show or say about a car. Best go and physically look at cars rather than pictures because the camera can lie! Good luck Glyn.
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19. 02. 1949