Interesting, I’ve an alarm clock in my chest which keeps an eye on the big muscle. It goes off once in a while when I’ve spent a day in & out of the pit!
It also spent a while in panic mode when I inadvertently connected myself to the mains.


Airportable replied to the topic 'MGTF WORKSHOP MANUAL' in the forum. 11 hours 43 minutes ago

It’s an age thing!
Besides I’ve downloaded it & it claims to be on my workshop computer but I’ve not been able to get at it. There is an element of “I’ve got the book of words & it’s quicker to grab that rather than invest the time into getting it working”


One of the trinkets I have on the car are “roll over bars”, they are very pretty.
However they have speakers mounted on brackets below the bars as part of the structure & the magnet of the off side speaker is close to one of the fixings. The net result is a constant fight between me, my mini ratchet & magnet flux. I use the word “flux” as it is near enough to the word I use when the ratchet attaches itself to the magnet yet again & I’ve to fight to get the bloody thing off.
I intend to make a brass spanner.


Airportable replied to the topic 'MGTF WORKSHOP MANUAL' in the forum. 12 hours 59 minutes ago

You couldn’t get a surgical instrument in to prize that argument apart.
My respects Cobber, as usual.


Airportable replied to the topic 'MGTF WORKSHOP MANUAL' in the forum. 13 hours 22 minutes ago

As always our esteemed antipodean is correct, however it depends on what info you require.
My f predates the other MG’s I’ve worked on & it is the green manual that I’ve used throughout.
I can’t think of any instances where I’ve been let down by it. Some of it is a bit of a shambles, referring you to sections all through, I print out all the relaxant pages & clipboard them in order. Once oil covered they go in the recycling.


Airportable replied to the topic '160 VVC THERMOSTAT REMOVAL/CHANGE.' in the forum. yesterday

That was my prime inspiration years ago, I need to change the bottom hose from the PRT which leads to the stainless pipes. These are old & are failing & I have pink drops in the drip tray after putting her away after an energetic run.
If you buy the entire dangley bits as ably modelled by David, years ago, inspect the pipes before getting drenched twice. One on initial fitting & a second time after finding fault with the original fix.


Airportable replied to the topic 'Website operating costs' in the forum. yesterday

I knew the Christmas card gag would trigger you Cobbs, however I did think David might be more amenable.
If you were to get some monogrammed T-Bar cards all that would be required of you would be an oily thumb print in the corner of the card.


Airportable replied to the topic '160 VVC THERMOSTAT REMOVAL/CHANGE.' in the forum. yesterday

There are two way to approach this. You can modify the pipe work at the front, under the spare wheel well & the conventional method.
There are several “how to’s, covering the standard method, but I’ve only seen one for the front mounted system.
I’ve tried both & am sticking with the standard system, the front system, I abandoned this due to it taking too long to warm up. In actual fact the PRT was faulty & having changed to the rear mounted system, there was no need to change back.
The pipe work was readily available a while ago & wasn’t expensive; things have changed I would bet.
If you buy a secondhand PRT, test it before fitting, I think David did a “how to” on this. After a couple of dead ends I bought a new unit & all is well.


Airportable replied to the topic 'Website operating costs' in the forum. yesterday

A two tier system sounds good, tier two for those who are prepared to pay a subscription (members) & an open to all comers with advertising (associate members). 
Both associate & full members should be able to contribute & as now, where anyone can view. 
And what advantage would a full member have, over an associate? 
Possibly a card from David at Christmas !


Airportable replied to the topic 'Red paint peeling' in the forum. 2 days ago

Those are rather impressive, great job.


The warm up time shouldn’t be all that different between on iteration & another after the fitting of the PRT. Mk1 f with the block mounted thermostat were faster, but as that isn’t the car in question it is somewhat irrelevant.


Airportable replied to the topic 'Coolant cap worked itself loose?' in the forum. 4 days ago

I do wish this man lived near me, not only does he have a wealth of knowledge, he has the equipment to back that knowledge up.
And he has a lathe that’ll swing a greater diameter than mine. At my age that’s about it for size envy.